September 21, 2024

Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen

EU special envoy for Horn of Africa visists Ethiopia
Ethiopia urges its diplomats to promote pan-African values
Africa urged to invest in solid statistical systems
Ethiopia deputy PM meets Switzerland Ambassador
Doha Forum opens in Qatar
Ethiopia expresses concern on US Bill HR6600, S.3199
Ethiopians celebrate 126th Adwa Victory anniversary
Ethiopia Deputy PM meets UN special envoy for Somalia
Tana Forum focuses on transnational organized crimes in Africa
Ethiopia Deputy PM discusses with Norway Foreign Minister
Ethiopia says the ball to stop war is in TPLF’s field
Ethiopia welcomes diaspora, its friends in Addis Ababa
Ethiopia set to welcome one million diaspora
Ethiopia deputy PM meets World Bank country director
Ethiopia expresses dissatisfaction with Arab League's unfair stance
Ethiopia, Russia vow to deepen bilateral relations
Ethiopia, Sudan officials met to discuss border dispute
Reuters News agency spreads fake news on Ethiopia
President Museveni expresses disagreement with Ethiopia's ethnic federalism
Ethiopia, Turkey foreign ministers discuss current affairs
Prime Minister Abiy of Ethiopia warns opposition parties
Ethiopia deputy PM leads investment delegation to London
Cuba First vice president visits to Ethiopia
Congress agrees to sustain PM Abiy’s reform in Ethiopia
Ethiopia re-plans development programs involving civil societies