April 1, 2025


USAID launches new health program in Ethiopia
Millennium Challenge Corporation launches gender strategy
China hands over medical supplies to improve health Ethiopia
Africa urged to reopen borders to foster saving lives, economies
African Development Bank provides $31 million grant to Ethiopia
Experts’ meeting takes stock of Africa’s achievements
Saudi provides $140 million loan to Ethiopia
PHE Ethiopia budgets 11 million euros
Ethiopia welcomes 46 U.S. peace corps volunteers
Forum reflects on Ethiopian women health
International food safety conference opens in Addis Ababa
Ethiopia's nutrition, health program secures 30 vehicles
Addis Ababa set to host Africa Business Health Forum
African leaders to reflect on investment in health
USAID Continue Fight against HIV in Ethiopia
UNICEF, EU launch book on reducing malnutrition in Ethiopia
Helping the ‘collateral victims’ of AIDS