March 26, 2025

Ethiopia arrests two Cameroonians for printing money

Ethiopia arrests two Cameroonians for printing money
Ethiopia arrests two Cameroonians for printing money

The Federal Police of Ethiopia has arrested two Cameroonians one male and a female who were found printing different countries currencies illegally.

The two individuals engaged in forgery of money were arrested on Friday February 18, 2022 in the capital, Addis Ababa, Bole Sub city around the area known as, Presidential. The currencies of different countries the two suspects were printing along with different chemicals are seized by the Police along with the two individuals allegedly engaged in the crime.

The two individuals are arrested based on the information the police received from the residents, according to a report of the Federal Police of Ethiopia.

When caught they were printing U.S. dollar, Chinese Yuan, Sudanese, Myanmar, and Tanzanian currencies, according to the Police report, which urged the public to continue whistleblowing whenever they are aware of such criminal activities.

This is not for the first time when Ethiopian police arrest Cameroonians and other African countries nationals engaged in forgery of money in Addis Ababa. In October 2020 the Federal Police has also arrested individuals with Cameron passport for allegedly engaging in printing USD notes illegally in a hotel room in Addis Ababa.

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