April 1, 2025

Ethiopian Parliament lifts state of emergency

Ethiopian Parliament lifts state of emergency
Ethiopian Parliament lifts state of emergency

The House of Peoples Representatives of Ethiopia (Ethiopian Parliament) today lifted the state of emergency, which has been in place across the country for the past several months.

During the explanation it is indicated that Ethiopia currently is in a position to handle the issues that forced the country to declared the state of emergency using the normal rule of law enforcement.
It is recalled that the Government of Ethiopia was forced to declare the state of emergency following the military attack the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) launched against the Ethiopian National Defense Force military base in Tigray region at the end of 2020.

The attack which led Ethiopia into a civil war has cost death of tens of thousands of Ethiopians from both sides along with displacement of millions of civilians as well as with destructions of worth tens of billions of Birr properties including public and private.

Even though both sides have recently expressed their intend to peacefully end the conflict, reports have been coming about the continuation of the tragedy because of the ongoing fighting in Afar, Tigray and some parts of Amhara regions of Ethiopia between the TPLF and the militias of the neighboring regions of Tigray.

In addition to TPLF, other armed groups including those affiliated with the Front such as Oromo Liberation Front (OLF Shene), and armed groups in Benishangul Gumz have also been putting pressure on the Government of Ethiopia posing clear and present danger on the unity of the country.

Following the attack by the TPLF on the northern command of the national defense force of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Parliament has also designated TPLF and OLF Shene as terrorist groups.

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