February 22, 2025

Addis to host digital disruption in agriculture forum

Addis to host digital disruption in agriculture forum

Addis Ababa is set to host Digital Disruption in Agriculture Forum that aims to identify digital tool and service providers from Africa and beyond to employ proven practices in Ethiopia.

Organized by the World Bank the two-days forum will be held at the Hyatt Regency in from May 15-16, 2019. Among the companies featured at the event are Digital Green, ATA, Farm Radio, Apposit, Moss ICT, Tulaa, Kifiya, Sunculture, Twiga Foods, Stella Apps, aWhere and Xarvio. “Digital technologies can tackle Africa’s food challenges, such as low productivity, high transaction costs, limited use of modern inputs and minimal commercialization,” the organizers said.

The World Bank also stated that in other parts of the world, digital tools have been proven to be effective, but agricultural technology pioneers in Africa face numerous roadblocks to scaling up their products and services due to the dominance of smallholder farming.

“This is particularly evident in Ethiopia, where farming practices have remained unchanged for centuries and where enormous potential exists for technological disruption in the agricultural sector. The World Bank Group is exploring how to leverage digital technologies to improve agricultural practices and food security in Ethiopia. This has the potential to impact the productivity and livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers,” the World Bank said.

It is indicated that the forum will be conducted in a variety of interactive formats, including panels, keynote speeches, lightning talks, and breakout groups. An innovation marketplace allows selected companies to display their products and services during breaktimes, according to the World Bank.

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