April 1, 2025

Ethiopians in Djibouti join ‘No More’ movement

Ethiopians in Djibouti join 'No More' movement
Ethiopians in Djibouti join 'No More' movement

Ethiopians living in Djibouti have participated in the 14th edition of the African Peace Walk held in Arta, Djibouti, today (November 26, 2021).

During the 10kms Peace Walk, Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia have voiced the now popular movement dubbed “No More” that called for an end to mainstream media misrepresentations of the situation in Ethiopia and meddling in the country’s internal affairs.

High-level government officials, Heads of Missions and diplomats as well as nationalities from different countries took part in the African Peace Walk, according to the information from the Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

Launched by the senior Ethiopian journalist working for international media in the United States, Hermela Aregawi, No More movement has been getting p[popularity across the world. The international journalist launched the global campaign few weeks ago to counter international media such as CNN, BBC, AFP, Reuters, which have continued to cook and disseminate fake stories against the government of Ethiopia.

In one of her interviews, Hermela which used to work for an American TV channel, said recently that she will never take reports of these biased international media for face value. Now Hermela has launched her own online Tv- Hermela TV to continue tackling the disinformation campaign launched against the Government of Ethiopia and its over 110 million plus populations by the international media that have been working to advance the interest of their owners.

From online the #NoMore movement goes viral by the Ethiopians in the diaspora, who flooded the streets of Europe, America, and Africa over the past days and weeks.

The protesters have came with slogans saying No More to United Sates and Western allies interference in the internal affairs of the sovereign and never colonized nation in Africa – Ethiopia.

Organizing themselves the Ethiopians and Eritreans in Virginia a week ago have penalized the Democratic Party candidate by giving their votes to the Republican candidate allowing him to win the election.

Unless the Biden Administration hands off from Ethiopia’s internal affairs, the around 3 million Ethiopians in the United States have vowed to elect the Republicans during the upcoming mid term election.

Expanding their network, currently the Ethiopians and Eritreans in the United States are also brining aboard other black comminities to say no more to neo-colonialism in Africa, and say no more to sanctions by the United States and European countries on African nations.

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