March 29, 2025

Ethiopia urges foreign countries to respect its sovereignty

Ethiopia urges foreign countries to respect its sovereignty
Ethiopia urges foreign countries to respect its sovereignty

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia calls on the international community to respect the sovereignty of the country and not to interfere in its internal law enforcement operations.

“While we appreciate and understand the interest of the international community to assist in the ongoing law enforcement operations, we would also like to underscore that this must be done in accordance with international law. This, first and foremost, means the international community should stand by until the Government of Ethiopia submits its requests for assistance to the community of nations,” Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said in its statement, recalling that Ethiopia is one of the early members of the League of Nations and a founding member of the United Nations, and of among the architects of the Organization of African Unity.

“A fundamental element of the international legal order is the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states, which is enshrined in Article 2(7) of the Charter of the United Nations. The International Court of Justice has also repeatedly affirmed this principle asserting that “the principle of non-intervention involves the right of every sovereign state to conduct its affairs without outside interference…. international law requires political integrity….to be respected”. This principle is also embedded in the legal and normative order of the African Union,” he said.

His statement came weeks after some international media outlets rushed to mislead the world by labeling the federal government of Ethiopia led by the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed as waging war on Tigray region contrary to the fact that the TPLFF leaders officially admitted later that they have initially attacked the northern commanded of Ethiopian army in Tigray Region.

“…Maintaining the integrity of our political and constitutional order compels us to take robust law enforcement measures against the clique of renegades within the TPLF. As a sovereign state, Ethiopia has every right to uphold and enforce its laws within its own territory. And that is exactly what we are doing. We believe the measures we are taking against those who have taken up arms against the Federation are in accordance with the spirit and objectives of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance which prohibits unconstitutional change of government and promotes democratic governance,” Abiy added.

“While undertaking our rule of law enforcement operations in the northern part of our country, within the framework of a state of emergency, the Government of Ethiopia is operating with due care for the protection of the civilian population and to minimize the humanitarian cost of the crises precipitated by the TPLF.”

“Ethiopia appreciates the well-meaning concerns of our friends within the international community. I would, however, like to stress the fact that Ethiopia is very much capable and willing to resolve this situation in accordance with its laws and its international obligations,” Prime Minister Abiy said.

“While we consider the concerns and advice of our friends, we reject any interference in our internal affairs. We therefore respectfully urge the international community to refrain from any unwelcome and unlawful acts of interference and respect the fundamental principles of non-intervention under international law,” he said.

PM Abiy indicated that a fundamental element of the international legal order is the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states, which is enshrined in Article 2(7) of the Charter of the United Nations.

He further stated that the International Court of Justice has also repeatedly affirmed this principle asserting that “the principle of non intervention involves the right of every sovereign state to conduct its affairs without outside interference…. international law requires political integrity….to be respected”. This principle is also embedded in the legal and normative order of the African Union.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IinZijQ8Us8[/embedyt]

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