March 29, 2025

Italian company to introduce ‘Made as in Italy’ products in Ethiopia

Proras, Italian Engineering and Contracting company, which has been working in Ethiopia for the past nine years, invited Ethiopian Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) to follow Italian industrial development model and start manufacturing ‘Made as in Italy’ products locally.

Speaking with newbusinessethiopia.com, Commercial Director of the Company Fabio Santoni indicated that his company has been transferring best technologies to Ethiopia, which the Italians are globally known.

“Going beyond supplying best Italian Extending this technology transfer, we have now come up with a new model of linking Ethiopian SMEs and entrepreneurs with Italian best industries,” Mr. Santoni said.

The idea behind is to implement Italian industrialization model of growing from small to big by implementing good practice of best companies in the world.

“We assist the local entrepreneurs to manufacture products locally using production methodology and technology of Italy. Finally, the products will be labeled finally ‘Made as in Italy’ replacing made in Italy products gradually,” he said.

Now, Mr. Santoni and some 15 Italian manufacturers have formed a consortium, which will implement the project in all over Africa starting from Ethiopia. “We plan to start consultation with government institutions, which directly deal with industrial sector and SMEs,” the Director said.

The consortium is also planning to arrange discussions with Ethiopian SMEs involved in manufacturing sectors, according to Mr. Santoni.

Proras has been engaged in supplying and installations of various machineries such as laboratory, garment, leather and agricultural equipments to government institutions and universities.

Since 1984, Proras has been engaged in designing, projecting and supplying industrial plants (with different production capacity), laboratory’s instruments and machineries/equipment for different fields as for professional schools, university and production sites.

Including several African countries, currently the company is operating in over 20 countries globally using its direct and project agents.

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