March 10, 2025

Germany assists drought affected people in Ethiopia

Germany assists drought affected people in Ethiopia
German Embassy in Addis Ababa

The Government of German provides 3.6 million Euros to support refugees, their host communities and drought affected people, German Embassy in Addis Ababa said.  

The grant will be shared among three humanitarian projects in Ethiopia. The three projects aim at improving the living conditions of refugees from South Sudan in Ethiopia as well as those of Ethiopians living in drought affected areas, according to the statement.

One project is being implemented by OXFAM Germany. It will implement WASH measures (water, sanitation and hygiene) as well as nutrition, health and subsistence measures for South Sudanese refugees in the new Nguenyyiel Camp in Gambella. Nguenyyiel Camp, under the coordination of UNHCR, will receive a permanent water distribution system by producing drinkable water, which will be taken from the Baro River and benefit up to 60.000 persons. 333 private latrines will be built for two families each, equipped with solar lights, so that they can also be used safely at night. Additionally 333 wash- and bath facilities for two families each will be put, in addition to 1667 hand wash facilities. Furthermore, water committees will receive training about the proper use of the facilities to prevent diseases. The local Ethiopian population will be included in the activities of OXFAM and also benefit from the help for the refugees.

The second project is being conducted by HelpAge Germany. The overall objective is to improve the health situation and the conditions of life of elder refugees and refugees with disabilities in Gambella province. The following measures are planned, among others:
–       Three Friendly Common Spaces for elderly people will be set up
–       Trainings for 50 members of NGOs, UNHCR etc. for a better treatment of elderly people
–       Public events and distribution of information leaflets for elder refugees
–       4200 other refugees will be trained to better understand and care for elderly persons in need
–       926 elderly persons get medical treatment including physiotherapy and prosthesis, if necessary
–       1500 elderly persons will get eye-treatment for improving their sight
–       270 elderly persons will get help in mobilization
–       Business trainings, including financial help, for up to 80 elderly women

With the German Government´s financial support, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe will give emergency aid in supporting livestock and enhancing WASH infrastructure for the drought affected population in the regions of Dillo and Miyo of Oromia Province, the statement noted.

“These emergency measures shall support already ongoing projects in order to maintain and guarantee their success. The project includes sustainable provision of drinkable water for more than 4000 households. 1250 households will receive fodder and veterinarian treatment for the cattle,” it said.

“1300 households will participate in cash for work activities to construct 4 rain water catchments of 5000 m3 each and to rehabilitate 2170 hectares of land for agricultural use. 500 vulnerable households which cannot participate in cash for work activities like families with pregnant mothers or with children under the age of five years will get direct financial aid to survive until the end of the drought,” the Embassy added in its statement.

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