March 16, 2025

Addis Ababa gets organic vegetables restaurant

Addis Ababa gets organic vegetables restaurant
Addis Ababa gets organic vegetables restaurant

Natani Café, Bar, and Restaurant in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia introduces a new restaurant with only seasonal organic vegetables, which is free from pesticides or fertilizers.

Every Sunday the Restaurant is planning on setting up an outdoor organic farmer’s market style environment so that you may personally hand pick your own fresh vegetables to take home or have prepared in front of you. “In doing so, this will ensure the support of our local small farmers to grow and at the same time you get to be a part of the Natani eco-friendly expansion experience,” Natani said, in its statement.

“I truly believe organic farmers are our heroes and we want to shine light on their perseverance. It takes steady patience and dedication from them and we are encouraging their evolution. The famous Maya Angelou once said, ‘Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women.’ This speaks volumes to our local community”, said Natani Café, Bar, and Restaurant’s President, Mirtie Abebe, during the official opening.

Women’s agricultural contributions often go largely unrecognized in Ethiopia. Although they provide majority of the agriculture labor in the rural areas by taking up 80% of the population, Natani wants to create awareness around the studies that show when women are supported and empowered, all of society benefits.

In addition, Natani has officially gone plastic bag free by switching to high quality recycled brown paper bags. Natani is pushing to lead this eco-friendly approach by being a social equality advocate for the disabled.

In collaboration with the Switzerland Embassy, the “Teki Movement” aims to maximize their impact of empowering the deaf and hard of hearing community, mainly women, while creating employment opportunities.

Natani’s goal is to locally produce and distribute a total of 5 million paper bags across the city by 2020 and encouraging you to be part of the solution, not the pollution.

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