April 1, 2025

Ethiopia briefs diplomats about its Nile dam

Ethiopia briefs diplomats about its Nile dam
Ethiopia briefs diplomats about its Nile dam

The Government of Ethiopia through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs today briefed diplomats based in Addis Ababa, mainly Ambassadors from Asia Pacific and the Middle East Countries about the Great Ethiopian Reconnaissance Dam (GERD).

The Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Gedu Andargachew, and Eng. Gedion Asafaw on Wednesday (May 20) briefed Asia Pacific and Middle Eastern Countries’ resident Ambassadors in Addis Ababa about the construction, filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.The presenters expressed Ethiopia’s belief in dialogue highlighting the country’s willingness to go to an extra mile to make the tripartite talks among Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt successful, according to the statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

Mr. Gedu and Eng. Gedion reiterated Ethiopia’s commitment to equitably and reasonably utilize its water resources in line with the accepted principles of causing no harm and cooperation. The Ambassadors said controversial issues regarding GERD should be solved only through dialogue. On Tuesday, the Ministry has also briefed African Ambassadors about Ethiopia’s stance on the matter.

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