April 1, 2025

WTO invites participants to attend annual public forum

WTO invites participants to attend annual public forum
WTO invites participants to attend annual public forum

The World Trade Organization has invited participants from across the world to attend the annual WTO Public Form in Geneva, Switzerland from September 10-13,2024.

“Online registration for this year’s Public Forum must be completed no later than 23 August 2024. Late and onsite registrations will not be accepted for the event,” it said. Participation in the Forum is free of charge. Travel and accommodation costs are to be borne by participants.

“Since the WTO’s inception in 1995, global trade has rapidly expanded and become increasingly interconnected. The international trading system has helped lift 1.5 billion people out of absolute poverty and unlocked new opportunities for businesses, workers and consumers. At the same time, the gains from trade have not always been shared equally. This needs to change<" it said. It is indicated that as the WTO celebrates its 30th anniversary, the 2024 Public Forum will look to the future, exploring how re-globalization can help make trade more inclusive and ensuring that its benefits reach more people. The 2024 Public Forum theme is “Re-globalization: Better Trade for a Better World”. The Forum will be an in-person event and will take place at the WTO headquarters in Geneva. The Forum's 135 sessions will focus on how trade can be made more inclusive and how to ensure that the benefits of trade reach more people. The Public Forum is the WTO’s largest outreach event, providing a unique platform for interested stakeholders from around the world to discuss the latest developments in global trade and to propose ways of enhancing the multilateral trading system. The event attracts over 2,000 representatives each year from civil society, academia, business, government, international organizations and the media.

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