March 28, 2025

NBE Blog

Steps to Make Your Home Market-Ready
Agricultural value chains for a crisis-driven world
The Benefits of Using API Fax Services for Businesses
Potentials, risks of Africa in global liquefied natural gas markets
Shipping, the silent artery of global trade
Two summits in Djibouti, but no talk of Djibouti’s own struggles
Trump Comeback and Marco Rubio’s Role, Implications for Ethiopia
Why Financial Protection Should Be Your First Step Toward Long-Term Wealth
What should John Mahama as new President of Ghana prioritize
Small Businesses, Big Bills Why Energy Audits Should Be Your Next Investment Move
Solutions for streamlined business operations
Proposal management team discussing best practices
COP29 must remedy the injustice of climate finance in Africa
Revolutionizing African banking regulation The India example
Lessons to Africa from China
Helpful Tools for Your Insurance Business
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treating Addiction
U.S. election potential impact on Ethiopia
How Africa could become top lithium supplier
Two beneficiaries, losers from Ethiopia forex liberalization
Nairobi Declaration redefines Africa’s resolve for agricultural transformation
How services trade, green transition benefit everyone
Protest in Kenya and its implication for Ethiopia
Ethiopia's digital leap towards economic modernization
Building cohesion, alignment with Raykis Blueprint
Embracing tech-led innovations
Traditional approaches to energy resilience
Opportunities for customer-centric fintechs in tough economic headwind
Unlocking AI potential in 2024