March 26, 2025

Ethiopia fully digitalizes business registration, license renewal

Ethiopia fully digitalizes business registration, license renewal
Ethiopia fully digitalizes business registration, license renewal

Fully digitalizing its business registration and license renewal system, the Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration of Ethiopia said it has provided online services for a total of 468, 383 businesses within the first four months of the current calendar year of Ethiopia started July 8, 2022.

The Ministry stated that it has been working to provide online services with the aim of providing modern services, and the services are being implemented across the country. It was possible to collect 9.6 million Birr from the service payment made by these customers through Tele Birr, according to the information the Ministry disseminated.

It said that Addis Ababa city administration has the first rank by collecting 6 million birr from the collected service fees. “The implementation of this system has been found to be a solution to the abuses and unnecessary expenses that have been noticed by users in the past, and the system is being implemented in all regions,” it said.

In these months, Amhara region has recorded better performance by providing services to 240 thousand 445, Addis Ababa 137,907 and Oromia 65 thousand 704.

In the 2014 fiscal year from July to June, there were only 27 thousand 238 users of the online trading service, and the ministry’s efforts to expand the service have enabled 468 thousand 383 traders to use the service in the last four months alone. In total, 502,738 users of online business license issuance and renewal services have been reached.

As part of improving its ranking of ease of doing business and fight corruption, among others, the Government of Ethiopia has been introducing online electric services (eservices) that allows different government offices provide their services easily online to their customers.

In addition to the ministry of trade and regional integration, the government agencies and ministries in Ethiopia currently providing their services online in one site are: petroleum and energy authority, ministry of industry, authority for civil society organizations, public servants social security agency, ministry of foreign affairs, Ethiopian management institute, Ethiopian investment commission, ministry of transport and logistics, accounting and auditing board of Ethiopia, Ethiopian media authority, and federal civil service commission.

The list also includes ministry of peace, Ethiopian construction authority, trade competition and consumers protection authority, ministry of tourism, federal attorney general, agency for refuge and returnees affairs, ministry of labor and skill, system (E-service) support center, ministry of finance,
ministry of innovation and technology, Ethiopian coffee and tea authority, Ethiopian environmental protection authority, and Ethiopian diaspora service.

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