April 1, 2025

Digital economy focused meeting opens in Addis Ababa

Digital economy focused meeting opens in Addis Ababa
Digital economy focused meeting opens in Addis Ababa

Focusing on digital economy, an innovative event dedicated to connecting and inspiring Ethiopian diaspora with home-based experts from all sectors has officially started in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia today.

During the opening ceremony Huria Ali, State Minister at Ministry of Innovation and Technology Highlighted that the government is focusing and making efforts in building a digital economy that will be led by the private sector, also assuring that the government will support the diaspora and the private sector’s work in the sector.

The event held under the theme “Connecting diaspora and home-based professionals to make a lasting Impact” showcased the power of effective partnerships in today’s fast-paced, interconnected world to provide ground-breaking results.

The two-days impactful event is organized in a way to tap into the collective knowledge of the diaspora and local experts to provide INNOVATIVE Solutions for Ethiopia’s current and future challenges.

In addition to this, the State Minister called on the Diaspora to engage in activities that generate foreign currency, Job opportunities for the youth while taking into consideration the demand at the Global Market.

Digital Transformation Program Office Digital Ecosystem and Regulatory Unit Director at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Khalid Ahmed for his part remarked that “The Diaspora should share experience and best practices for the private sector to be successful in Ethiopia” The director also added that the government is developing communications portal for the diaspora to create engagement structurally.

With the aim to innovate Dutch international, Partners for Change (P4C) was founded in 2011 by our mother company RBD in The Netherlands. P4C brings diverse players together to learn from each other and to explore new strategies for partnership based on our belief that we are stronger together! To this end, P4C hosted +20 strategic events to empower professionals from all sectors with the tools needed to be more effective sustainability leaders and change-makers in Ethiopia and The Netherlands.

Rahel Boon the Managing Partner of R&D on her part said that “Ethiopia is filled with energetic youth and we can utilize that energy to make changes and use the public private partnerships with an impact driven people from local expertise and diaspora. Success can come from willingness of people who want to impact life.” she also called up on the diaspora and the local experts.

To fulfil the need to develop actionable solutions, this event incorporated hands-on ‘’Hackathon for Change sessions on women leadership, outsourcing, sport for change, Skill and employment, digitization and social entrepreneurship where experts with the right skill set are brought together to work collectively on solving strategic challenges “presented by purpose-driven Ethiopian leaders.

Closing remark was delivered by Nigusu Tilahun, State Minister of Labor and Skills Ethiopia stating how their office is always opened to partner up on change driven projects and public private partnership, help the youth as well to develop their skills to produce market based demanded employable force.

Since the inception in 2010, R&D Group has been committed to develop future leaders of Ethiopia by connecting them to opportunities through digital jobs, talent development and entrepreneurship acceleration to mention few. Today’s hybrid event (simultaneously virtual as well as in person), brought together 200+ carefully selected individuals from the diaspora and home-based experts from various sectors.

Organized by R&D Group, RBD Consultancy, and ORTEC Sports along with team and partners, Prosource HR Solutions, CAWEE, 251communications, This year’s event comes at the most opportune moment of the GREAT ETHIOPIAN HOMECOMING call by our government.

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