March 13, 2025

African Development Bank

Partners to raise $100 million to catalyse Africa’s agriculture investment
Canada investing on women empowerment in Africa
African Development Bank calls for Africa's green revolution
Breastfeeding jumpstarts future generation wellbeing
Sudan secures $41 million grant to boost agriculture
Tunisia to use drones for agriculture data collection
Risk Participation Agreement
Lusophone Countries of Africa get development partners
Agencies collaborate to boost intra-Africa trade
Tanzania gets $40 million support for economic reform
African Development Bank introduces excellence in leadership prize
Ethiopia, Egypt, Nigeria, Zambia, Côte d'Ivoire discuss Africa Energy Market Place
African Development Bank transparency ranking improves
Africa electricity index examines 15 countries performance
Uganda towns secure funding to improve water, sanitation
Partners launch Coding for Employment Program in Kigali
Continental bank issues Feed Africa bond
Korea host Africa Day celebration
Korea boost bilateral financial assistance for Africa to $5 billion
Development financier advises Africa to diversify energy sources
Korea recommends fast-track industrialization strategies to Africa
Institutions collaborate to introduce staple crop processing zones in Africa
Morocco agribusiness gets EUR 200 million
Liberia's small enterprises secure $20 million funding
Risk Participation Agreement
Korea helps to improve rural people lives in Cote D'Ivoire
South Africa set to host Africa Investment Forum 2018
CHINT Electric banned for dishonesty in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania projects
African Development Bank set to engage African media intensively