March 14, 2025

Study advises to limit farmers’ movement in Ethiopia

Study advises to limit farmers’ movement in Ethiopia
Study advises to limit farmers’ movement in Ethiopia

To stop the spread of COVID-19 to the farming community, a new study advised the Government of Ethiopia to limit travel of farmers to urban areas and make mandatory using face masks as the global pandemic is now spreading in cities and towns of the country.

“…Farmers must be suspended from going to urban areas (unless to sell/buy essential products) and refrain from group-based farming/harvesting practices in addition to other protection recommendations,” a study entitled, ‘The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Security in Ethiopia’, recommends.

The study argues that protecting the farmers in Ethiopia from COVID-19 needs special attention and critical in rescuing the overall population of Ethiopia and the economy because most of the food consumed in the country are domestic produces.

“While supplying their produces and/or buying commodities/services, they must be strongly and frequently advised (most importantly through rural development agents and health extension workers) to strictly follow the general COVID-19 protection recommendations proper and frequent hand washing, physical/social distancing, avoiding crowds and other measures as well as using masks whenever they go to market or other gatherings,” stated the paper by Messay Mulugeta (PhD) Associate Professor of Socioeconomic Development, Food Security and Environmental Studies, at College of Development Studies (Addis Ababa University)..

“COVID-19 pandemic more severely impacts the lives, livelihoods, and food security situations of impoverished people, pity street vendors, daily wage earners, homeless street persons, temporary migrant workers, and beggars. Most of this group of people ‘cannot work from home’ or cannot stay home,” added the paper published in collaboration with Addis Ababa – based private consulting firm, Center of Excellence International Consult.

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