March 10, 2025

Ethiopians reactivate NoMore movement, protesters out on the streets

Ethiopians reactivate NoMore movement, protesters out on the streets
Ethiopians reactivate NoMore movement, protesters out on the streets

In what seems reactivation of the popular global #NoMore movement, Tens of thousands of demonstrators in Addis Ababa this morning opposed interference of foreign countries and institutions in the internal affairs of Ethiopia.

The demonstrators expressed their support to the federal Government of Ethiopia, which has been battling the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) since November 2020. The demonstrators condemned undue pressures and external interference that compromise the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

It is recalled that about a year ago, Ethiopians in diaspora have launched a global poplar movement hash tagged (#NoMore). Opposing the pressure of the Western countries mainly led by the United Sates and the global institution under its influence – the United Nations.

The leaders of #NoMore have opposed the hidden agenda of the Western countries to advance their geopolitical interest in the Horn of Africa under the cover of humanitarian crisis in Tigray region of Ethiopia, which used to be the stronghold of TPLF. After TPLF launched a military attack on Ethiopian military base found in Tigray region killing hundreds of Ethiopian soldiers early November 2020, the Ethiopian army has been fighting with the Front, which it latter labeled as a terrorist group.

Following the humanitarian crisis and death of tens of thousands of people from both sides and displacement of millions, the United Sates and the Western allies have been accused of supporting TPLF as one investigation described with the objective of regime change in Ethiopia.

It is recalled that a week ago during the EU summit protestors of Ethiopian origin have demonstrated in Brussels opposing Josep Borell’s description of Europe as a garden and the rest of the world as a jungle. Last week’s comment of Josep Borel who is the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President, has upset people around the world including members of EU parliament.

Recently a U.S. Government official has also accused of Ethiopia and Russia for buying military drones and using for the war with TPLF and Ukraine respectively and called for the UN investigation. It is reported that #NOMore movements and protests will take place in many cities around the world in the coming days and weeks involving people from the rest of the world.

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