March 30, 2025

Ethiopian parliament shortlists Dialog Commission members

Ethiopian parliament shortlists Dialog Commission members
Ethiopian parliament shortlists Dialog Commission members

Ethiopian Parliament today announced that it has shortlisted 42 individuals out of the 632 people nominated by the public to be members of the recently established national Dialog Commission of Ethiopia.

The office established by the parliament to handle the nomination and selection process of commission members has carefully shortlisted the 42 individuals among those nominated making sure that they are not members of any political organizations in Ethiopia, according to Tagesse Chafo, the Speaker of the House of Peoples Representatives of Ethiopia.

In addition, their diversity, capacity and their reputation is also taken into consideration during the shortlisting process, according to Mr. Tagesse. In the proclamation passed by the Ethiopian Parliament recently it is stated that the National Dialog Commission will have 11 (eleven) independent members and will report to the Ethiopian Parliament.

The National Dialog Commission is established to organize and lead national dialogs in the country for the coming years in order to help the people of Ethiopia resolve their differences peacefully and reach consensuses on some of the controversial issues including articles of the constitution, ethnic federalism, national flag, regional boundaries, and the like.

It is indicated that the names of the 42 shortlisted individuals will be public on social media to collect feedbacks on the individuals integrity and capacity. It will also be share to civic societies, political parties, religious organizations in Ethiopia, according to the information posted on social media page of Ethiopian parliament, which also indicated that several consulting will take place ahead of selecting the 11 best nominees to be members to the National Dialog Commission of Ethiopia.

If it succeeds bringing lasting peace through the national dialog, Ethiopia, which is one of the wealthiest nations in the world yet having the poorest working people on the planet, is expected to properly and fairly manage and utilize its natural resources and human resources by resolving the continuous internal conflicts and civil wars instigated by its political elites.

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