March 3, 2025

Commission urges Ethiopians to stop civil wars immediately

Commission urges Ethiopians to stop civil wars immediately
Commission urges Ethiopians to stop civil wars immediately

The Ethiopian National Dialog Commission (ENDC) urges all actors in Ethiopia to immediately stop bloody civil wars currently happening in different parts of the country.

In its statement today (ENDC) indicated that based the meeting it has conducted yesterday, the Commission has reached a decision to call on all actors in the country to “immediately stop fighting without any preconditions” and bring to discussion table their differences.

In its national call the Commission also stated that it will be ready to facilitate discussions between and among the different fighting groups as well as structuring the agendas. The Commission recalled that it is established to facilitate such discussions and help Ethiopians address their differences through dialog instead of jumping to bloody civil wars.

It is recalled that a few months ago Ethiopia has concluded the bloodiest war in east Africa during the recent fight between the Tigray peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Ethiopian army supported with different militias, which is estimated to claim lives of over half a million people within two years.

In yet another tragedy, the Ethiopian national defense force is currently battling with its former ally, Amhara Fano, in an attempt to disarm the group, it now considered as informal and danger to the national security.

In addition, the army is also fighting against the Oromo Liberation Front known as OLF-Shene” in Western part of the country. Grievances have also been escalating in different parts of the country, which often lead to communal clashes as frequently reported in the southern and eastern part of the country.

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