March 13, 2025

PHE Ethiopia budgets 11 million euros

PHE Ethiopia budgets 11 million euros
PHE Ethiopia budgets 11 million euros

BY GETU TEMESGEN – Population, Health and Environment  (PHE) Ethiopia consortium is set to invest 11 million euros in its activities of protecting the environment, promoting health and family planning.

The  focus areas of the organization over the next 5 years are the Rift Valley areas, which are experiencing significant environmental degradation, according to Negash Teklu, founder and managing director of the organization. He told NewBusinessEthiopia.com that the project areas to be covered by PHE and other partner organizations includes – Ziway, Abiajata, Langano, Hawassa and Guruga highlands.

Over the past years PHE consortium has been supporting the implementations of Ethiopia’s development plans including, the Growth and Transformation Plan, family planning, HIV / AIDS prevention, water and sanitation, malaria, primary health care, climate change related activities.

Currently, PHE Ethiopia has 20 employees and 66 members of various organizations and is operating with 50 to 60 million birr budget.

Some the projects PHE Ethiopia engaged in Ethiopia at federal and regional level are-
– Strengthen & Scale up Reproductive Health/ Family Planning (RH/FP) intervention through multi sectoral Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) integrated approach
– Building Institutional Capacity and Participatory Leadership for Resilience, Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change
– Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Functions and Improved well-being of Highland and Lowland Communities within
– Bale Eco region Network Creation and Capacity Building in Yayu Biosphere Reserve

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