April 1, 2025

Why Eritrea won’t respond to TPLF provocative missile attack

Why Eritrea won’t respond to TPLF provocative missile attack
Why Eritrea won’t respond to TPLF provocative missile attack

BY ANDUALEM SISAY GESSESSENow that the extremist leaders of Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF), who confirmed attacking federal military based in Tigray Region and instigated unbearable war on themselves, have realized that time is running out for them.

On Friday the federal Government of Ethiopia led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has given them 72 hours to surrender. This week the attempt of the TPLF leaders to smuggle in weapons via Sudan is failed when Sudan closed its borders collaborating with Ethiopian Army, which pushed them out Humera town that borders Sudan.

In what looks saving their remaining bullets, the TPLF militia’s massacred over 500 civilians using machetes in Mai-Kadra, which amounts to war crimes. The Ethiopian Army has also blocked the route to Djibouti via Afar, while Eritrea has also closed its borders only allowing in Ethiopian soldiers, which the TPLF sent necked after attacking the northern command.

During the first few days of the clash, the TPLF leaders have vowed to use the heavy artilleries, which were in the hands of the northern command of Ethiopian defense force, and attack cities including the capital Addis Ababa.

With the frequent air strike the Ethiopian Air force indicated that it has managed to destroy depots of fuel and heavy weapons to stop the TPLF from attacking civilians. Meanwhile, from the latest missile attacks on the neighboring towns of Bahir Dar, Gondar and Asmara, Eritrea, the TPLF seems to hide some of these missiles somewhere else.

In what looks to strengthen its allegation that the Eritrean soldiers are fighting alongside Ethiopian army, and create regional chaos, on Saturday the TPLF has launched the missile strike on Asmara.

From what they have been telling the Ethiopian people since they lost their power in April 2018, the intention of the diehard TPLF old guards is clear – to create instability in Ethiopia and in the region.

That is why they have been lobbying (buying) the international media portraying their treason as a war waged by the federal government on them, which will have damage for regional instability.

If you see most of the international media reports, which is shamefully biased and against all the golden journalism code of ethics and principles, the TPLF leaders have realized that they have left only with two options – die or surrender. I know it is very tough for them if they surrender they know that they face also death for their crimes.

So they decided to take everybody in the Eastern Africa region with them to hell. That is why they have used the last arsenals in their control to attack Asmara. Probably if they have left with some other missiles, the diehard TPLF leaders are likely to fire on Sudan or Djibouti.

That is I think their last option and attempt to save themselves after realizing lately the people in Tigray is tired of war and not willing to defend the old guards who have sent their family to Europe, America and Canada, who also began demonstrating calling to stop restoration of rule of law in Ethiopia by brining to justice for their unspeakable crimes.

So, neither Eritrea nor Sudan and Djibouti won’t be provoked by the diehard TPLF old guards and fire back. Ethiopian army, which is well disciplined and have demonstrated its capability in Somalia fighting Al Shabaab, among others, is well capable of bringing to justice these old guards of TPLF, who finally became terrorist and war criminals dead or alive, in a few weeks’ time if not days, after the tomorrow’s deadline to surrender.

If you ask me, by next Sunday Ethiopian Army’s operation to restore rule of law in Tigray will be concluded by bringing these war criminals and corrupt individuals to justice dead or alive.

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