March 29, 2025

How a layman should understand Ethiopia’s war with TPLF

How a layman should understand Ethiopia’s war with TPLF
How a layman should understand Ethiopia’s war with TPLF

By Melaku Kinfegabriel – As the war by TPLF against the people of Ethiopia has approached its second year, it has now become clearer that some of the Western countries and some UN agencies led by the United States, have continued their sympathy to one of the most dangerous armed groups in Africa.

Thanks to the most biased international media outlets, which serve their owners geopolitical interest, one can rarely find independent news reports about the war between TPLF and the National Defense Force of Ethiopia.

As a result, many people think that this war is just the war for power in Ethiopia. But this war is launched by TPLF to dismantle Ethiopia into many small nations and form its envisaged “The Great Tigray” in the region, which will continue to be loyal to it’s the US-led Western allies. This is the fact!

It is about dismantling Ethiopia into a small nation, which has been and still is the agenda of the Western powers who have failed time and again to conquer Ethiopia and the Red Sea area for may centuries in collaboration with Egypt whose desire is to control the source of the Nile River.

That is why the Western allies of TPLF have continued providing diplomatic support, logistic and food aid to TPLF fighters under disguise of helping “the people of Tigray under siege”.

Let’s take for instance the latest looting 570,000 liters of fuel by TPLF from World Food Program depot in the capital of Tigray -Mekele, which I rather should be called handing over of fuel to the rebels by the UN agency.

Because this has been clear to everybody with pictures and reports online that WFP have already supplied over 400 trucks with emergency foods, and satellite phones to the leaders of TPLF.

You want to know how other UN agency is trying to save TPLF? You can just check the latest advice of the International Commission of Human Rights, which claims to be bipartisan, demanding the UN Security Council to intervene in the internal politics of Ethiopia. You want more evidence, just read the latest report of UNHCR in Sudan, which knew that TPLF was using its camp for recruiting soldiers.

I hope you also have seen the USAID labeled wheat flour bags found within the camps where TPLF fighters were ambushing during the latest third round of war.

I am sure you also remember how using their international fake news dissemination channels the US and its allies have tried to create panic last year claiming that TPLF fighters are a dozen of kilometers away to capture the capital.

The US with its continuous statements after statements have tried and often lobbied African countries like Zambia to close their embassy in Addis Ababa and leave Ethiopia.

You may ask me why the US is doing this? My answer- because of its STRONG desire to filly control the Red Sear area and the Horn Africa.

What does controlling this region means? It means stopping or at least delaying China and Russia from expanding in the region, which also target the untapped natural resources of Africa to sustain their economic growth and journey to become the top economy in the world ending the US leadership and its dollar in global politics and economy, among others.

That is why the latest cry of paid lobbyists and analysts are recommending the UN security Council interference in the internal affairs of Ethiopia. They are not saying that because they care about the lives of the people in Tigray. Do you want to know how I know that?

Because the lives of the people in Tigray is no different from the lives of the people in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen or somewhere in the world where the US interfered using the UN as a cover.
The US, which doesn’t show sympathy to the people of these countries is not expected to show sympathy to the people in Tigray region of Ethiopia.

The truth is the US-led the Western countries and their tool the UN are supporting TPLF to make sure that their national interest will be advanced by their old partner.

By the way let’s not forget that the former rebels of TPLF came to power in Ethiopia in 1991 with the support of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States and the British Government, among others.

And after TPLF came to power and till it loses in April 2018, it was serving their interest more that the interest of the interest of the over 120 million population of Ethiopia.

TPLF helped the Western in creating Al Shabaab, and pirates on Somalia water so that the United States will have excuse to deploy its military including drone base in Arba Minch in Southern Ethiopia, and in Djibouti, among others.

But we all know that the relationship between the US and TPLF’s late leader Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was not so good especially a few years before he passed away. I think Meles get tired of being a ‘Yes Sir/ Yes Mam’ to every demand of the United States.

I think they don’t like him becoming example for other African countries in issues such as relation with China and Russia, which I believe remains to be the policy of the current prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed.

Now as the US direct and indirect fight against China and Russia become visible more than ever from Ukraine to Taiwan, Tigray is shortlisted by the Joe Biden Administration as the next proxy war to shake things in Eastern Africa to stop, if possible, or at least delay the expansion and influence of China and Russia.

That is all behind the war Ethiopia is fighting with TPLF in the northern past of the country.
But unlike Meles, the current leaders of TPLF are amazingly committed to serve their Western allies going to the extent of shooting at their own fighters who retreat as we have heard from the leaked radio communications by TPLF army leaders.

Here is the transcript: “If he’s a Tigrayan & he won’t die for Tigray – shoot him…They’re retreating because they’re scared of death. Show them there’s death here too.”

Now as a layman I hope you got the full picture why the several attempts by the United States over the past few years have failed at the United Nations as a result of the refusal of China and Russia, which are also among the five permanent members states of at the United Nations Security Council.
This is a geopolitical war like that of Ukraine where the Western wanted to expand its influence in the region using NATO.

In the coming days and weeks, it is likely to hear more propagandas against Ethiopia by the paid lobbyists and so-called “independent analysts and scholars” on the international media affiliated with the US and its Arab partners.

Have a Nice weekend and a Happy New Year 2015 to all Ethiopians who welcome their new year tomorrow September 11, 2022.

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