February 23, 2025

Ethnic federalism in Ethiopia breeds corruption

Ethnic federalism in Ethiopia breeds corruption
Ethnic federalism in Ethiopia breeds corruption

By Addis G. Tadesse- Ethiopia today is beset by numerous security, economic and political crisis – problems that are pushing the horn of Africa nation of 120 million people to the brink of collapse (God forbid!).

Would there be a quick-fix to these challenges? Who or what caused them? When did the country begin its long descent into turmoil? What are the ways in which domestic problems and events are being interpreted by the international community? Are pressures being heaped on Ethiopia by the UN, US, EU et.al. emanate from a true desire to help bring about better times in Ethiopia or are they just a result of their actual and perceived interests in the Horn of Africa region?

Given current realities and trends, would Ethiopia be able to achieve a turn-around of events through such efforts as the planned National Dialogue? Are there the political will and commitment by all and sundry in the political spectrum for the success of the National Dialogue? Can political parties in Ethiopia bring themselves to really listen to each other’s concerns and hammer out a solution to be accepted by all?

Would the National Dialogue be just an elitist game (of thrones haaaa) or one that allows for the participation of representatives of society (I don’t really believe the idea that political parties represent any constituency as things stand in Ethiopia to date, but they merely claim they do)?

The TIgray crisis? A regional state that remains under the control of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)? Would there be a time in the foreseeable future for conflict between the federal government and Tigray rebels get some sort of resolution so that the good people of TIgray come to enjoy the services rendered by the federal government?

(I don’t see why the TPLF people just find the wisdom to relinquish their ill-gotten authority over to the good people of TIgray). What about peace with other insurgent groups such as the so-called Shene?

This nation of Ethiopia is one that has faced many challenges even at the best of times (have we had anything that might be called as such over the past 50 years?).

I wish I had answers to all these very crucial questions that I collected from Ethiopians of all walks of life. One thing I know, though, is that for resolving all those questions requires iron-clad will, sincerity, putting the nation first, and a readiness to give and take.

If the above questions are left as they are, there may be a time soon when our nation would implode. And by then, everything will be a little bit too late to redress. Redress is now, now and only now.

(And I can speak with certainty that all those questions are very hard to address as long as we are being governed by a stale political system of ethnic federalism. I like to argue that Ethnic federalism is fundamentally flawed and detrimental to social progress. And it breeds corruption.)
May GOD the almighty save Ethiopia and Ethiopians from calamity!!!
EDITOR’S NOTE- The writer Addis G. Tadesse is an Ethiopian journalist working for international media.

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