March 12, 2025

UK business delegation visists Ethiopia

UK business delegation visists Ethiopia
UK business delegation visists Ethiopia

A United Kingdom (UK) business delegation led by Mrs. Thato Mosadl, Senior Economist and Strategist of Jeffries International Limited today held discussions with Ambassador Eshete Tilahun, Director General of Europe and American Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

During the discussion, Ambassador Eshete thanked the UK business delegation for choosing Ethiopia as their investment destination, according to the information disseminated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. “He also briefed the delegation about incentive packages, facilities, and the Ethiopian Government’s support for foreign companies investing in Ethiopia,” the statement stated.

“He stated that the Government of Ethiopia is fully committed to implementing the terms of the Pretoria Peace Deal with the TPLF, adding that the government is putting mechanisms in place to ensure lasting peace in the country through national dialogue.”

The statement also indicated that on behalf of her delegation, Mrs. Thato Mosadl appreciated the speedy implementation of the Pretoria Peace Deal and the efforts of the Ethiopian government to maintain bilateral relations.

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