February 23, 2025

International bid from Ethiopia sugar corporation (TENDER)

International bid from Ethiopia sugar corporation (TENDER)

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Sugar Corporation (Fincha Sugar Factory) has allocated a budget towards the cost of goods. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this budget will be applied to illegible payments under the contract for which this invitation for bid is issued.

Fincha Sugar Factory now invites sealed bids from prospective bidders for the supply (CFR Djibouti) of: 1) Refractory Cement (EI-No.1691); 2) Chain for boiler plant EI-No. 1692; 3) Boiler tube (EI-No. 1693) and 4) Boiler bagasse belts (EI-No. 1694).

Interested bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at the office of Procurement department – Addis Ababa, Mexico Square Philips Building, Room No. 207 Tel- +251 11 551 3706 / +251 11 551 2557. Bids must be submitted to the above office on the 35th day from the first date of this invitation.

SOURCE- The Ethiopian Herald newspaper February 12, 2020.

About Fincha Sugar Factory
Fincha Sugar Factory is found in Horo Guduru Welegga Zone of Oromiya Region in Abay Chommen District at Fincha Valley Agamsa area, 350 Kilo Meters from North West of Addis Ababa. It`s command area including the West and East area is 67,098 hectare. Passing through Fincha Valley it generates hydro electric power.

Then it divides the valley into two and travels to North and flows to Blue Nile. The western Bank of Fincha River develops 6,476.72 hectare land. Factory started trial production in 1998

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