February 23, 2025

Ethiopia launches $2.2 billion industry park construction

Ethiopia launches $2.2 billion industry park construction
Ethiopia launches $2.2 billion industry park construction

A new private industrial park, Lemi National Cement Industrial Complex, that requires $2.2 billion investment capital is set to be built in Amhara region of Ethiopia by private investors.

The cornerstone for the new Lemi National Cement Share Company Industrial Complex is laid on Thursday by President of Ethiopia Sahle-work Zewde. The new park is owned by East Africa Holdings, which is known for engaging in several manufacturing companies including National Cement Factory. For its new industrial park, National Cement has partnered with the Chinese company, West International Holding.

Lemi National Cement Share Company Industrial Complex will be constructed on 270 hectares of land in Lemi area. The $2.2 billion Lemi Industrial complex will have many factories including the cement factory in Africa with a production capacity of 10,000 tones of cement with $600,000 investment capital.

The new industrial park will be constructed near Ensaro Wereda (district( known for its contraction material resources including inputs for cement as well as gypsum, silica sand, black stone mineral, iron ore, among others.

At the cornerstone laying ceremony it is indicated that the construction of Lemi National Cement Share Company Industrial Complex is expected to be completed within the coming five to seven years. Among the factories to be included within the new industry park are gypsum board and glass manufacturing.

It is also stated that to take part in the construction of the new industry park some 3,000 individuals from the area will be trained. Mainly owned and led by chairman Bizuayehu Tadelle Bizenu East Africa Holdings currently has over 5,000 employees working in its about a dozen companies.

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