March 15, 2025

IGAD expresses readiness to support Somalia regional election

IGAD expresses readiness to support Somalia regional election
IGAD expresses readiness to support Somalia regional election

The Inter-Governmental Authority on the Development (IGAD) expresses its readiness to support the ongoing regional election process in Somalia that will lead to one man one vote by 2020.

IGAD stated that it follows closely developments in the Federal Republic of Somalia. “IGAD warmly welcomes the commitment of the Federal Government of Somalia to hold a universal, fair and free election in 2020 to ensure inclusive politics at the core of its reform agenda towards Federalization as expressed through the Political Roadmap of Somalia,” it said.

“IGAD encourages the process aimed at democratizing Somalia to consolidate good governance and wide participation of citizens to exercise their democratic and citizenry rights. IGAD continues its commitment to support the Federal Government and people of Somalia at this critical time for unity of purpose and sustainable peace and stability in the Country.”

It further stated that the multi-dimensional progress enjoyed through the endeavor of the Federal Government and the Somali people and the region at large cannot easily be taken for granted. “The role of African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the troops and polices contributing countries have been essential to Somalia’s peace and stability,” IGAD said.

“In this process, IGAD will remain committed to support the Federal Government of Somalia in accelerating the political decision- making process necessary to build consensus and national unity.”

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