April 1, 2025

Cholera outbreak kills 11 people in Ethiopia

Cholera outbreak kills 11 people in Ethiopia

Cholera outbreak killed 11 people in Southern parts of Ethiopia, South Omo area, Dasenech district.

So far over 931 cholera cases and 11 deaths are reported in Dasenech area, according to the state broadcaster – ETV. The people affected by the waterborne disease live around Lake Turkana bordering Kenya. It is indicated that the people are now getting medical treatment. Currently the number of new cases is declining because the health workers in the area are now tracing and treating the people found suffering from cholera, according to Mr. Tensay Hailu, Coordinator of Bobowa Health Center found in Dasenech.

It is indicated that up to 70 daily cholera cases were reported in Dasenech area. But now the daily confirmed new cases has dropped to 15. The decline in new cases is attributed to the health workers in the area who are fast tracking and disinfecting the people affected by the disease.

Excluding Gambella and Benshangul Gumz, all the regions of Ethiopia have reported a total of over 7,000 cholera cases and about 100 deaths last year same period, according to Mr. Aschalew Abayneh, Deputy Director of Ethiopia Public Health Institute. He stated that the government has been engaged in prevention activities to contain such outbreak, which often occurs during the rainy season of Ethiopia.

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