March 13, 2025

Ethiopia finds 18 gold, gemstone, industrial mineral-rich areas

Ethiopia finds 18 gold, gemstone, industrial mineral-rich areas

The government of Ethiopia says it has found 18 gold, gemstone and industrial mineral-rich areas across the country during the current fiscal year started July 8,2018.

The state agency Ethiopian Geological Survey has identified seven industrial minerals including iron-ore in Amhara, six alluvial gold in Tigray and five gemstone deposits in the southern region of Ethiopia, the state daily The Ethiopian Herald, reported today.

The paper today reported that close to 4000 information related to the findings are distributed to research institutes, industries, researchers, and investors. It has stated that many foreign companies have shown keen interest to take part in the mineral exploration and mining business.

“The government is committed to create more jobs from the sector. To this effect, our Institute is working focusing on directly linking youth in the already identified mineral rich areas. Thus, massive job opportunities are created for the youths in those areas,” said Tameru Mersha, Communication Director at the Ethiopian Geological Survey.

Currently, there are approximately 135 operational companies of which 80 companies are licensed and involved in the exploration, while the rest are engaged in the production of various minerals. Ethiopia has a wide variety of mineral resources including gold, silver, iron-ore and various types of precious stones. The country has also been producing industrial minerals such as, gemstones like granite gypsum, as well as a number of construction inputs, as learnt.

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