March 13, 2025

Ethiopia customs seizes 168 million Birr contraband goods

Ethiopia customs seizes 168 million Birr contraband goods
Ethiopia customs seizes 168 million Birr contraband goods

Ethiopian Customs Commission said it has seized contraband goods worth over 168.6 million Birr within one week period.

The goods are seized around different borders of Ethiopia in six days from January 8 to 14, 2023. The Commission stated that out of the total seized goods worth 86 million are captured being smuggled into Ethiopia from neighboring countries.

The remaining merchandizes worth 82.6 million are seized from contraband traders who attempted to smuggle the goods out of Ethiopia, according to the report of the Commission. Clothes, fuel, electronics, live animals, coffee, medicines, vehicles, cosmetics, weapons, narcotics, khat, cooking oil, and currencies of different countries are among the major merchandizes seized from illegal traders.

The reports stated that the major custom branches, which have seized the illegal goods are Akaki-Kaliti, Awash, and Dire Dawa. In the operation of capturing the smuggled goods federal police, customs police, and informants have participated, according to the Commission’s report.

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