March 13, 2025

Continental bank bans Robert Akika Ngong for fraudulent practice

Risk Participation Agreement
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The office of Integrity and Anti-Corruption of the African Development Bank (AfDB) found Ngong to have engaged in a fraudulent practice in the context of a consultancy engagement with the institution, AfDB said. The African Development Bank Group, which has been investing in the development of the continent, today announced the banning of Robert Akika Ngong for a minimum period of 36 months.

“An investigation conducted by the Bank’s Office of Integrity and Anti-Corruption established that  Ngong engaged in a fraudulent practice in the context of his recruitment as a consultant to the institution’s Statistics Department:  Ngong misrepresented his contribution to the design of a project in order to avoid disqualification in the implementation of the same project,” AfDB said. 

The debarment renders the consultant ineligible to participate in Bank-financed projects or to work as a consultant to the institution during the debarment period.

The debarment qualifies for cross-debarment by other multilateral development banks under the Agreement for Mutual Recognition of Debarment Decisions, including the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank Grou

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