March 13, 2025

Africa, China experts to discuss power interconnection in Africa

Africa, China experts set to discuss power interconnection in Africa
Map of Nile River

Energy experts from Africa and China are set to meet in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to discuss power interconnection in Africa and the development of clean energy.

The attendees include, representatives from ADPI-RDC, Association of Power Utilities of Africa (APUA) and other international organizations; power departments and enterprises in Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, etc.; as well as China Three Gorges International Corporation (CTGIC), POWERCHINA International Group Limited, State Grid International Development Co., Ltd. (SGID), China Electric Power Equipment and Technology CO., Ltd. (CET) and other Chinese enterprises in power sector.

“Large-scale development of hydropower, wind power and solar power generation, with large-scale deployment and efficient use of clean energy through transnational and transcontinental interconnected power grids, is the key to solving the problems of energy resources shortage, environmental pollution and unbalanced development in Africa. Therefore, everyone can have access to affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy, according to the organizers of the Forum.

The forum which will be opened at the Hilton Addis Ababa Hotel on Monday is themed, ‘Grid connection gearing up sustainable Africa’.

It is expected to jointly promote the development of clean energy and the construction of power grid interconnection in Africa so as to provide clean and sustained energy support for economic and social development in the world.

Kuang Weilin, Ambassador of Mission of PRC to the African Union (AU), Seleshi Bekele, Minister of Water Irrigation and Electricity, Ethiopia, Bruno Kapandji Kalala, Minister of Agency for the Development and Promotion of Grand Inga (ADPI-RDC) and Mohamed Mousa Omran, First Undersecretary of Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Egypt, are among the expected attendants of the Forum, according to the organizers.

The forum was organized by Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO). In-depth discussions and consensuses is expected on the topics of clean energy development in Africa, power grid interconnection and the Belt and Road cooperation among the representatives from the AU, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

GEIDCO representative said that energy issue is among the core issues constraining the sustainable development of Africa.

GEIDCO will also release the latest research results on Energy Interconnection in Africa as well as transnational power transmission plan of Congo and Nile River.

Three Gorges International representatives will also introduce the planning proposal of Grand Inga. Discussions will be made on the key topic of development and utilization of Grand Inga hydropower among the representatives from ADPI-RDC, GEIDCO, SGID, CTGIC, AU, APUA and UNECA.


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