October 18, 2024

COP29 will leave participants with unforgettable memories

COP29 will leave participants with unforgettable memories
COP29 will leave participants with unforgettable memories

In an exclusive interview with New Business Ethiopia, Ambassador Ruslan Nasibov, Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, shares insights into Azerbaijan’s preparations for hosting the upcoming 29th Conference of Parties (COP29) in November 2024.

As the country takes center stage in the global climate conversation, Ambassador Nasibov discusses Azerbaijan’s vision for the summit, its role in advancing international climate cooperation, and what delegates can expect from their visit to the historic city of Baku. He also reflects on his time in Ethiopia and the similarities between the two nations, as well as Azerbaijan’s cultural treasures, which will offer COP29 attendees an unforgettable experience.

New Business Ethiopia: How has your experience in Ethiopia been so far?
Ambassador Ruslan: Ethiopia has become my second home. I’ve seen many similarities between our two nations—our hospitality, ancient and diverse cultures, and rapidly developing economies. Baku is known as a city of lights, and I can say the same about Addis Ababa. Both cities are also known for their parks, and I’m thoroughly enjoying my time here.

New Business Ethiopia: Have you traveled outside Addis Ababa?
Ambassador Ruslan: I have plans to travel more extensively across Ethiopia. I’ve visited a few places already and am looking forward to exploring more of Ethiopia’s heritage sites and experiencing its diverse cultures.

New Business Ethiopia: How would you describe your experience traveling across Africa compared to your expectations before arriving?
Ambassador Ruslan: Ethiopia is rightly called the Land of Origins. Before coming here, I had only traveled to North Africa, but since arriving in Ethiopia and traveling across Sub-Saharan Africa, I’ve been fascinated. The more I see, the more I want to stay in Africa.

New Business Ethiopia: What is your overall reflection on the upcoming COP29 that Azerbaijan is hosting?
Ambassador Ruslan: Azerbaijan will host COP29 from November 11-24, 2024, providing a platform to demonstrate global climate leadership. Building on the successes of previous conferences, COP29 aims to significantly enhance international cooperation in addressing climate change. This includes agreeing on a fair and ambitious new climate finance goal and enhancing ambition to keep the 1.5°C target within reach.

Azerbaijan’s COP Presidency is positioned to foster broad, inclusive dialogue among global stakeholders, including governments, multilateral financial institutions, civil society, academia, and the private sector. We aim to promote a unified approach to climate challenges. Our presidency is committed to ensuring that negotiations are inclusive, transparent, and reflect the diverse needs of all stakeholders, including indigenous communities, women, and youth.

A critical goal for COP29 is to secure enhanced climate finance, including setting an ambitious new climate finance goal, the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG). We must mobilize sufficient resources for successful adaptation efforts.

We will also focus on fully operationalizing the Loss and Damage Fund, with an emphasis on supporting vulnerable countries. Another priority is the full operationalization of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. We believe that with good faith and meaningful dialogue, parties will build consensus on the remaining matters for Article 6, adopting necessary decisions at COP29. This will generate additional resources to support climate goals while ensuring environmental integrity, transparency, and effective global carbon trading mechanisms.

The COP Presidencies Troika, comprising the UAE (COP28), Azerbaijan (COP29), and Brazil (COP30), was established to ensure continuity across the three conferences. We launched the ‘Roadmap to Mission 1.5°C,’ an initiative supporting the development of 1.5°C-aligned Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and addressing barriers to NDC development.

COP29 will feature thematic days on finance, energy, technology, human capital, food and water security, urbanization, and biodiversity. These themes are designed to ensure a holistic approach to climate action, integrating cross-cutting issues like health, education, and gender equality.

Azerbaijan has also launched the first-ever Baku Climate Action Week (September 30 – October 4), in partnership with London Climate Action Week. This event brings together international climate experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss Azerbaijan’s climate agenda, setting the stage for in-depth discussions at COP29.

New Business Ethiopia: How would you describe your country’s preparations to welcome thousands of guests attending this significant global conference?
Amb. Ruslan: Hosting high-level global events is not new for Azerbaijan. During our chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement, we successfully hosted summits for the organization, which comprises 121 nations. Baku has consistently hosted numerous regional and global forums, including major sporting events.

With this extensive experience, Azerbaijan is fully prepared to welcome high-level delegations and stakeholders to COP29. We are ready to provide an exceptional platform for meaningful discussions and decisive actions on climate issues.

New Business Ethiopia: What tourist attractions would you recommend to conference participants before they return to their respective countries?
Ambassador Ruslan: Azerbaijan is an ancient country, and Baku, our capital, is known for its rich history. The Old City, which is over a thousand years old, is home to the Maiden Tower and Shirvanshahs’ Palace, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Nearby, there is the Fire Temple of Baku, Ateshgah, a castle-like religious temple used for Zoroastrian worship. Another must-see is Gobustan National Park, where prehistoric petroglyphs reveal the lives of Stone Age people.

Baku is also a city of modern wonders, like the Heydar Aliyev Center, a masterpiece of contemporary architecture, and museums such as the Carpet Museum and the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan. The city is vibrant, with illuminated streets, beautiful parks, and one of the world’s longest boulevard parks along the shores of the Caspian Sea.

Azerbaijan also offers excellent shopping, both in modern malls and bustling markets. Our public transportation system is well-developed, including on- and underground services. Azerbaijani cuisine, celebrated worldwide, is a top attraction, offering unique and flavorful experiences. Visitors can also experience Mugham, Mugham is a treasured cultural heritage of Azerbaijan, in traditional places throughout Baku, especially in the Old City. It’s a profound reflection of our culture, and anyone visiting Azerbaijan for COP29 will have ample opportunities to enjoy it.

New Business Ethiopia: Azerbaijan has been successful in reconstructing recently reclaimed territories. Will visitors have the chance to learn from these projects?
Ambassador Ruslan: Absolutely. Our reconstruction efforts in these areas following the 44-day Patriotic War in 2020 are commendable, and visitors will have the opportunity to see how we manage large-scale projects efficiently, maintaining quality while preserving history and territorial integrity. As an ambassador, I will be very happy to facilitate. And in general, those attending COP29 will leave with unforgettable memories of both the conference and Azerbaijan

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