March 29, 2025

Azerbaijan Embassy commemorates Martyrs’ Day

Azerbaijan Embassy commemorates Martyrs’ Day
Azerbaijan Embassy commemorates Martyrs’ Day

The Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan commemorated martyr’s day on Tuesday September 27, 2022. Mr. Ruslan Nasibov, Charge d’Affaires of Republic of Azerbaijan, addressed a keynote speech for guests from the diplomatic community,

Ethiopian friends and the media on this special day marked as Memorial Day in our country by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Mr. Ruslan said the embassy commemorates the dear memory of all our Martyrs who died for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan with deep respect and reverence.”

The commemoration came, according to Mr. Ruslan two years after the retaliatory measures Azerbaijan in 2020 to prevent the next military provocation by the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia.

“These measures, which marked the beginning of the 44-day Patriotic War, were carried out within the framework of the right of self-defense and in full compliance with international humanitarian law in order to prevent the next military aggression of Armenia and ensure the safety of the civilian population,” he said.

According to the charge d’ Affaires, the Patriotic War ended Armenia’s 30-year-long aggression against Azerbaijan, ensured the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and restored the fundamental rights of nearly one million Azerbaijanis.

Azerbaijan single-handedly ensured the implementation of the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council dated 1993. “The Victory we achieved as a result of the bravery of the Army of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev opened a new era in the history of the Republic of Azerbaijan and established international justice.”

He also mentioned that following the ending of the occupation of Azerbaijan’s territories revealed the large-scale illegal activities carried out by Armenia in these lands for decades. “Clear evidence of massive mining of Azerbaijani lands, purposeful destruction and appropriation of Azerbaijan’s historical, cultural and religious heritage, looting of natural resources, destruction of infrastructure and other violations of international law was brought to the attention of the international community,” he said.

“The European Court of Human Rights and International Justice of Azerbaijan to hold Armenia accountable for its international obligations, as well as for violations of international humanitarian law and human rights He made appeals to the Court of Justice,” he added. “On December 7, 2021, the ICJ unanimously adopted decisions on temporary measures against Armenia based on the petitions submitted by Azerbaijan.”

Various reports disclosed that during the last two years, Azerbaijan has been carrying out large-scale restoration and reconstruction works in the liberated territories, including the implementation of large infrastructure projects, taking purposeful steps to ensure the safe return of nearly one million Azerbaijani IDPs to their homes and the revival of life in these lands. In accordance with the tripartite statement dated November 10, 2020, it is taking measures to achieve sustainable peace and stability in the region.

However, Mr. Ruslan says, Armenia does not fully fulfill the obligations it assumed by exhibiting a revanchism position, by still not withdrawing the remnants of its armed forces from the region and by burying new mines in the area, it creates a serious threat to security, takes almost no practical steps to open communications in the region, and continues its military provocations. and thus seriously undermine post-conflict normalization efforts.

“Azerbaijan is the initiator of the normalization of relations with Armenia based on the principles of international law, especially sovereignty, territorial integrity, and strict adherence to the inviolability of international borders,” he said.

He also added his country’s firm commitment to call on Armenia to respect fundamental principles and comply with its international obligations for the sake of ensuring peace, security and prosperity in the region. “Armenia should finally put an end to imitation in the negotiations and take real, constructive steps. There is no other alternative for the peaceful development of the region,” he said.

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