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The 100 days of sunshine on Ethiopian skies and beyond

The 100 days of sunshine on Ethiopian skies and beyond

The 100 days of sunshine on Ethiopian skies and beyond

By Tesfu Telahoun – It’s the rainy season in Ethiopia now but what with the wholly unexpected emergence of an almost messiah-like prime minister, it might as well be the warmest of springs.

As we are gingerly but steadily being led out of a persistently bleak political wilderness devised by the very same Front our new PM belongs to, we Ethiopians can hardly believe our ears and eyes but are very aware of the excited thumping of some 100 million hope filled hearts.

Ridiculed and roundly reviled only three months ago, state run television and radio channels look and sound almost alien: honest journalism had withered so much over the last 27 years of lies, hypocrisy and decadent corruption that, hearing the truth on the same hated and hateful (hitherto) state media is somewhat unnerving – yet in an exhilarating way with which we are rapidly getting used to.

So may it continue! ABIY may have just had one of the most successful first 100 days of any world leader in my memory. Following is a random listing of 20 notable accomplishments during his prolific statesmanship to date.

How right she is. For us-Ethiopians, Eritreans and indeed the entire Horn of Africa also, it has taken just one man bearing one single-minded goal: strength and prosperity through a shared unity. For all his popularity, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was not a widely known figure in Ethiopia’s opaque politics.

Doubtless we and the world will get to know him quite well. Already however, we can be sure of two things.

The decision to reset the relationship with Eritrea (or lack thereof) must have been difficult- even seemingly impossible given the mutually ingrained hostility and opposition from the TPLF/EPRDF old guard and die-hard ‘revolutionary democrats’.

There are also some who feel that the costly sacrifices made during the Ethiopia-Eritrea border war are still too painful, too raw to warrant even a frigid rapprochement much less the comprehensive normalization of relations envisaged by PM Abiy Ahmed.

The tide of public opinion however is solidly behind him and it is clear that he has been drawing on the overwhelmingly positive even delirious backing of the population.

With so much accomplished in just three months, we wait with baited breath for what is to come as we fervently pray that this is not all a dream-and if it is, we don’t want to wake up!

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