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Inflation remains double digit in Ethiopia

Inflation remains double digit in Ethiopia

Inflation remains double digit in Ethiopia

For over one year both food and non-food inflation in Ethiopia continue to register double digit with 12.6 percent general inflation rate at country level for the month of July 2019.

The official statistics from the Central Statistics Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia shows that food inflation has gone up to 13.7 percent in July from 13.1 percent the previous month. Non-food inflation has shown slight decline from 11.9 percent in June 2019 to 11.4 percent last month.

“The country level overall inflation rate (annual change based on 12 months moving average) rose by 12.6 percent in July 2019 as compared to the one observed in a similar period a year ago. The country level food inflation increased by 13.7 percent as compared to the one observed a year ago. The country level non-food inflation rate increased by 11.4 percent in July 2019 as compared to the one observed in July 2018,” the report said.

The month-on-month general consumer price index for July 2019 has showed an increase of 1.4 percent as compared to the preceding month, according to the report. General inflation for July 2018 was 14.8 percent, while non-food inflation was 16.5 percent with 13.7 percent food inflation, according to the CSA monthly report.

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